About the song and video, O says ‘I wrote Good As Gold as an outlet for the pain and confusion I was going through after a messy break-up. I wanted to carry the creative process through to the video, so this is me letting go, using my body and the movement of others around me.’
Directed by Blind Date Records’ label head, Tim Mccormack, the clip was shot in half a day in the the dim-lit basement of a Melbourne city car park.
Enlisting a crew of volunteer back-up dancers, O choreographed a routine that starts with small, group movements and builds to an erratic, close-up solo performance, all driven by a blistering track.
Backing her up are a much-loved dance troupe from Castlemaine, called Lady Fun-Times: Crotch of Dancers, known for their gregarious and carefree performances.
‘I put out a call and these ladies signed up, came into Melbourne, and were ready for whatever I threw at them. They were the most relaxed and fun group of badass women to work with and they reminded me not to take it all too seriously!’
Good As Gold is out on 7” vinyl through bandcamp and streaming on all platforms
Ayleen O plays The Bridge Hotel, Castlemaine on Saturday 24 March.
Screening party in Fitzroy on 29 March (keep an eye on Facebook for a secret location)
Directed by Tim McCormack
Assistant videographer Tajette O’Halloran
Make-up by Amy Kenny
Dancing by Lady Fun-Times