Transglobal World Music Chart (TWMC) is a network of world music specialized journalists, critics, writers, DJs… from all the continents, that produces a monthly chart (an also an annual one), according to quality criteria, selecting the best recent world music albums from all over the world.
Artists, labels, publicists… can submit digital/physical releases for the members’ consideration to this email address. Check the Album Submissionspage for more info about the requirements and the recommended procedures.
Members of the TWMC panel (June 2016 vote): Araceli Tzigane (ES), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Ángel Romero (US), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T S Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Husniddin Ato (UZ), Eleni Ziliaskopoulou (GR), Marija Vitas (RS), Jaïr Tchong (NL).